16th July 2024
Satellite Account of Non-profit Institutions and Volunteering
Are you curious about Canada's nonprofit sector? Dive into the Satellite Account Data Insights! Discover how this #data paints a comprehensive picture of Canada's nonprofit sector, shedding light on economic contributions, revenue streams, and more. Explore the data to unlock valuable insights and understand the diverse landscape of nonprofit organizations across Canada! https://givingandvolunteering....
19th July 2024
The Economic Role of The Nonprofit Sector
In 2021, #nonprofits contributed over 8% to the national GDP, showcasing their pivotal role in shaping our economy. Dive deeper into the economic landscape of nonprofits: https://app.givingandvolunteer...
25th July 2024
Nonprofit Labour Force Composition
Did you know Canada’s #NonprofitSector employs over 2.5 million people, making up roughly 13% of the labour force? Dive deeper into these insights: https://app.givingandvolunteer...
27th August 2024
Enquête canadienne sur la situation des entreprises
Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur le paysage actuel des entreprises et des #OrganismesSansButLucratif au Canada ? Découvrez les dernières informations de l’Enquête canadienne sur la situation des entreprises (ECSE) de Statistique Canada. Menée en ligne au moyen d'un questionnaire interactif auto-administré, cette enquête trimestrielle recueille des renseignements sur les conditions des entreprises, les attentes et les enjeux émergents des entreprises et des organismes sans but lucratif de tout le pays. https://donetbenevolat.ca/aper...
24th September 2024
Obstacles actuels
Êtes-vous curieux de connaître les défis auxquels les organismes sont confrontés ? La dernière Enquête canadienne sur la situation des entreprises (ECSE) révèle certains obstacles pour le prochain trimestre. Découvrez les données détaillées et les perspectives sur ces obstacles : http://app.donetbenevolat.ca/o...
23rd February 2023
Célébrer les femmes entrepperspectives d’avenir et aux changements prévusreneures noires francophones
Que nous réserve l'avenir ? Découvrez les dernières informations de l’Enquête canadienne sur la situation des entreprises (ECSE). En savoir plus ici: http://app.donetbenevolat.ca/p...
27th January 2025
Care at the Core: Collective Efforts to Heal Black Communities
This Black History Month, we explore how grassroots organizers, collectives, and nonprofits are turning barriers into bridges to foster mental wellness, solidarity, and community participation in Black communities. Join us for Care at the Core: Collective Efforts to Heal Black Communities, an insightful webinar panel focused on collective efforts driving mental health and community impact. Hear from Black leaders as they discuss obstacles, opportunities, and the power of helping one another.
28th February 2023
Care at the Core: Collective Efforts to Heal Black Communities
This Black History Month, we explore how grassroots organizers, collectives, and nonprofits are turning barriers into bridges to foster mental wellness, solidarity, and community participation in Black communities. Join us for Care at the Core: Collective Efforts to Heal Black Communities, an insightful webinar panel focused on collective efforts driving mental health and community impact. Hear from Black leaders as they discuss obstacles, opportunities, and the power of helping one another.
28th February 2023
Defining and Redefining Volunteerism in Black Canadian Communities with Mélanie Valcin
This Black History Month, we are happy to share our “Defining and Redefining Volunteerism in Black Canadian Communities” interview series, featuring leaders who share their personal experiences and perspectives on volunteerism and community care work. Learn from different leaders as they reflect on their journey in volunteerism, and community impact.
31st March 2023
Group Volunteering in Action 2024: Year In Review
Check out our 2024 Group Volunteering Impact Report here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts...
Together with our corporate partners, Volunteer Canada delivered 22 group volunteering activations, engaging: 634 volunteers | 1,262 hours | 6,597 lives impacted
From outdoor cleanups to packing hygiene kits, we connected employees with purpose-driven opportunities that address real community needs.
6th February 2025
Defining and Redefining Volunteerism in Black Canadian Communities with Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah
This Black History Month, we are happy to share our “Defining and Redefining Volunteerism in Black Canadian Communities” interview series, featuring leaders who share their personal experiences and perspectives on volunteerism and community care work.
In this session, Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, Co-Director of Policy and Advocacy at Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, reflects on her journey and the role of community care in fostering meaningful connections. Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...